
Obiettivi di investimento

The investment objective of this Sub-Fund is to achieve long term capital growth mainly through investment in a portfolio of securities of listed companies selected using fundamental analysis based on economic and financial factors. To find, research and select such companies the Investment Manager applies fundamental analysis and strict quality criteria including but not limited to high levels of return on capital, strong self-financing capability, and sustainable profit margins.

Politica di investimento

This Sub-Fund mainly invests in shares and similar securities with a focus on listed large caps in developed countries. The Sub-Fund may also invest in ADR (American Depositary Receipts) or GDR (Global Depositary Receipt). Those ADR/GDR will not have derivative incorporated products. The Sub-Fund may invest up to 20% of its total net assets in shares and similar securities of companies listed in Emerging Markets; in such case, the Sub-Fund will invest only in securities listed on regulated markets.

Up to 10% of the portfolio may be invested in bonds. All bonds will be investment grade (the “Minimum Rating”); the Manager will sell within three (3) months, and in the best interest of the Unitholders, any securities that are downgraded below the Minimum Rating.

For temporarily liquidity management, the Sub-Fund may invest, on a residual basis, in money market instruments with duration of less than twelve (12) months.
The Sub-Fund may hold cash, on a residual basis, i.e up to 20% of its total net assets, except under exceptionally unfavourable conditions and on a temporary basis.

The Sub-Fund may invest up to ten per cent (10%) of its net assets in UCITS or other UCI as referred to in art. 41, section 1, of the Law of 2010.

The Sub-Fund may use financial techniques and instruments in order to promote an efficient portfolio management, in accordance with the restrictions set forth in the “Financial techniques and instruments” chapter of the prospectus. The Sub-Fund will use only SFT as set forth in the section headed ""Use of SFT"" below.

Informazioni principali

Nome fondo Leadersel Equity World
Benchmark MSCI Limited (MSCI World Index)
Categoria Assogestioni Equity
Forma giuridica Fondo comune di investimento di diritto lussemburghese a comparti multipli.
Valuta Euro

Obiettivi di investimento

The investment objective of this Sub-Fund is to achieve long term capital growth mainly through investment in a portfolio of securities of listed companies selected using fundamental analysis based on economic and financial factors. To find, research and select such companies the Investment Manager applies fundamental analysis and strict quality criteria including but not limited to high levels of return on capital, strong self-financing capability, and sustainable profit margins.

Politica di investimento

This Sub-Fund mainly invests in shares and similar securities with a focus on listed large caps in developed countries. The Sub-Fund may also invest in ADR (American Depositary Receipts) or GDR (Global Depositary Receipt). Those ADR/GDR will not have derivative incorporated products. The Sub-Fund may invest up to 20% of its total net assets in shares and similar securities of companies listed in Emerging Markets; in such case, the Sub-Fund will invest only in securities listed on regulated markets.

Up to 10% of the portfolio may be invested in bonds. All bonds will be investment grade (the “Minimum Rating”); the Manager will sell within three (3) months, and in the best interest of the Unitholders, any securities that are downgraded below the Minimum Rating.

For temporarily liquidity management, the Sub-Fund may invest, on a residual basis, in money market instruments with duration of less than twelve (12) months.
The Sub-Fund may hold cash, on a residual basis, i.e up to 20% of its total net assets, except under exceptionally unfavourable conditions and on a temporary basis.

The Sub-Fund may invest up to ten per cent (10%) of its net assets in UCITS or other UCI as referred to in art. 41, section 1, of the Law of 2010.

The Sub-Fund may use financial techniques and instruments in order to promote an efficient portfolio management, in accordance with the restrictions set forth in the “Financial techniques and instruments” chapter of the prospectus. The Sub-Fund will use only SFT as set forth in the section headed ""Use of SFT"" below.

Informazioni legali

Banca depositaria Caceis Bank Luxembourg S.A.
Società di revisione EY
Come si può sottoscrivere

I comparti gestiti da Ersel Gestion Internationale S.A. sono distribuiti in Italia da Ersel Banca Privata S.p.A. e da Online Sim S.p.A. La sottoscrizione di quote del comparto presso Ersel Banca Privata S.p.A. può avvenire mediante l'apertura di un rapporto di gestione e/o di amministrazione.

Frequenza calcolo nav Giornaliera
Pubblicazione quote Sito Ersel

Fund ticker

Codice ISIN LU2808282466
Codice Bloomberg LEWOIEC LX

Commissioni e versamenti

Commissioni di sottoscrizione 0
Commissioni di rimborso 0
Commissioni di gestione 1,00%
Commissioni di incentivo 20%
Versamenti minimi iniziali 125.000 euro
Versamenti minimi successivi 0
Andrea Nocifora
Team Gestioni Patrimoniali
Livello di rischio
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

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