
Ersel has always reserved special attention to private customers. The family nature of the business is the best guarantee of independence and of the continued commitment to preserving customers’ assets and ensuring their grow over time.

Ersel’s core business is the long-term management of customer assets. We develop a relationship of trust with the customer, destined to grow stronger over time, to accompany the development of all elements of assets and at each phase of their process, anticipating their requirements and seizing their opportunities.

From asset management to financial advisory services, from trust services to real estate services and other services for specific needs, Ersel provides its customers with personalised solutions that meet their requirements and match their risk profile.

Unlike other Italian operators, Ersel has deliberately never established a network for the promotion and sale of its products and services, but prefers to rely on internal professionals, in order to maintain direct and highly professional dialogue with the customer. A dedicated private banker is assigned to the customer from the outset, and in turn he coordinates a team of internal experts, and, where necessary, also external experts, to also provide an effective response to highly complex needs.

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