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Ersel has been active in the training field for many years with projects targeted at spreading its culture in the economic-financial domain.
Two cycles of meetings were held in 2014 and 2015 at the GAM in Turin dedicated to young graduates and university students in non-economic disciplines; “orientation and survival” courses to address the fundamental aspects of finance and its language, in order to understand the main elements of investments, to be assisted in their working lives and in reading economic articles: from current accounts to mortgages, from the role of inflation to the risk-return relationship. The courses, one structured into 8 meetings and the second into 6 meetings, were organised in collaboration with the School of Management and Economics of the University of Turin and the “Associazione Amici dell’Università degli Studi di Torino”; each meeting was split into two lectures, taken by university lecturers and industry professionals.
A new project was launched in 2016 aimed at providing participants with suitable knowledge for ensuring fully informed asset management; an initiative dedicated to young people in particular, to offer them a path of growth in the economic-financial domain.
The programme is structured into days spent in the classroom in collaboration with AIPB - Italian Private Banking Association - and the Catholic University of Milan, and into workshops with the support of a mentor and Ersel specialists on the subjects of greatest interest:
Ersel is sponsor and supporter of the "AIPB Master in Private Banking & Wealth Management", an important initiative, unique in the Italian panorama, which aims to bring young graduates closer to the world of work, through a path of high professional training and internship.
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