Ersel Banca Privata S.p.A. is holding company of banking group
Controlled by Ersel Investimenti S.p.A.
Company subject to management and coordination of Ersel Banca Privata S.p.A.
Ersel Asset Management SGR was the first mutual fund management company to be authorised in Italy in 1983.
Company subject to management and coordination of Ersel Banca Privata S.p.A.
Ersel Gestion Internationale is the group company dedicated to the management of umbrella funds set up under Luxembourg law, funds selection and wealth management.
Company subject to management and coordination of Ersel Banca Privata S.p.A.
Simon Fiduciaria offer their services to private customers, entrepreneurs and professionals, nationally and abroad. Simon Fiduciaria became part of Ersel Group in 2015.
Company subject to management and coordination of Ersel Banca Privata S.p.A.
Since 2000 Online SIM is the leading fintech platform in Italy to invest online in mutual funds.
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